NOLL/SOLL  >   2003 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Sounds  15 at Diamondbacks  5
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/28/2003 5:30p Sounds 
Location Golden Gate Diamondbacks 
ReScheduled 5/31/2003 9:30a
ReSched Location OAB-2
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Diamondbacks  Notes:
The D-Backs played the Sounds Saturday morning for third place in the
League and forgot to set their alarm clocks to wake up before game time. There were many fielding errors against a good hitting team with the final score showing the results. On defense Adam made a fine running catch in center field and John stopped a hard ground ball at shortstop. Carl stopped a runner from scoring with a long throw to the plate from right field.

On offense Jake lead the way going 3 for 3 at the plate. Carl, Joaquin, Adam, Daniel and Jake each had one hit for a team total of 8 hits. With 8 team hits and 5 walks we only had 13 runners on base during the game. With few base runners coupled with fielding errors, this was not the D-Backs best played game. Let's put this game behind us and focus on our first playoff game against the Devil Rays.

Pitching Mac, Jake and Jack each recorded 2 strikeouts in the two
innings that they each pitched.

Sounds  Notes:
No notes