NOLL/SOLL  >   2003 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Red Sox 23 at Royals 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/17/2003 3:30p Red Sox
Location OAB-2 Royals
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Red Sox continue their torrid hitting pace,supporting Brett Harding's 2 hit ball through 4 innings. Nikoh Hernandez led off the game with a triple(4 hits dbl, tpl), Brett Harding continued his multiple hit streak(3 hits, DBL, 2 RBIs), Matt Sanford had 2 hits(DBL, 4 RBIs) and Noah Klein-Markmans, 2 DBLs 5 RBIs led the way. Michael Knutson also had 2 hits and closed out the game allowing no runs in the 6th.