NOLL/SOLL  >   2003 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Reds 15 at Cubbies 5
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/27/2003 12:30p Reds
Location Front Caldecott Cubbies
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Cubbies Notes:
No notes

Reds Notes:
The Reds bats brought back memories of the Red Machine of the 70's. 10 players collected hits and HR's from Bobby T. and Tim M. were memorable. Bobby's rocket to left field had eyes on Orinda as it sped towards back Caldecott. Tim's HR completed his eventful hitting weekend, hitting for the cycle, albeit, over 2 days. I'm not sure an outfield fence would have mattered as the offense was led by Bobby's 3 hits and he was joined by Michael T., Tim M. and Bobby S. who each collected 2 hits. Early on, key hits by Kieran C.,Robert D. and a ringing double by Dylan H. got the Reds off and running. 4 pitchers were used in the game and Bobby S. and Craig H. both toed the rubber for the first time in Sr. League action. Not to be lost was the debut of Jon C. behind the plate for 2 innings, who threw out a runner and had many other exciting moments and near put-outs.

The Cubbies were led by Chris O.F. who collected 3 hits and John M. with 2 hits. A classic 1-2-3 double play, from pitcher Jonah M. to Catcher David L. to 1st sacker Chris O.F. limited the damage as
the game was drawing to a close.