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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Rangers 0 at White Sox 3
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Scheduled 5/18/2002 3:30p Rangers
Location Chabot White Sox
Game Type Normal
Game Summary NedL of the White Sox pitched five innings of shut out ball to lead the White Sox to a 3-0 win over the Rangers on a surprisingly windy cold afternoon at Chabot Field. SamD had a perfect 3-3 day and scored all of the White Sox runs, plus pitched a perfect sixth inning to seal the Sox's fourth shut out of the season. JordanR belted two hits and a sacrifice fly, and the team defense was superb, including fine outfield catches by LukeN and GabeG, a quick-handed snag of a line drive by first baseman JordanR, shortstop MichaelC's grab of two grounders heading up the middle,and second baseman GabeF's four assits on several tough plays. Ranger pitcher DerrickM three five excellent innings, and was superb in defeat, allowing only 3 hits and no earned runs in 5 innings. Catcher MichaelM's heads up play nailed a Sox runner in nowhere land, and WesG knocked out two base hits for the Rangers.