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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Monarchs 9 at Sugar Kings 19
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/16/2002 9:30a Monarchs
Location OAB-2 Sugar Kings
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Sugar Kings got off to a fast start in the first inning with four hits and seven runs. The Monarchs answered the challenge with two runs in the second and three runs in the third. The Monarch's power hitters hit some very deep drives over the outfielders heads. The Sugar Kings exploded in the bottom of the fourth with seven runs on five hits, going up 18-8. The Sugar Kings got 13 team hits. Both team's closing pitchers shut down the offenses and held the opponents to one run in the final innings. Final score, Sugar Kings 19 Monarchs 9