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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Tigers 6 at Athletics 13
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Scheduled 6/2/2002 12:30p Tigers
Location Chabot Athletics
Game Type Normal
Game Summary SpyqS (3/3 R 2RBI), LewisK (2/3 2R 2RBI), and DanielR (3/4 3R 2RBI) led the way as the A's beat the Tigers 13-6 to clinch 1st place in the NOLL Division race. EliF (1/2 3R RBI 2BB) scored 3 times and BryceH (1/2 2R 2BB) scored twice to add to the A's efforts. LewisK and CharlieS pitched for the A's, holding the Tigers to 6 runs to allow the A's to overcome a 3-0 2nd inning deficit. SpyqS and MattB (sharing duties at 2nd base) led the defense, contributing to six putouts.