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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Angels 9 at Orioles 8
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Scheduled 6/2/2002 9:30a Angels
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Orioles
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Two teams who will meet in the first round of the SOLL playoffs staged an exciting preliminary match Sunday at Holy Names, the Angels holding off the Orioles, 9-8. KyleB's bases-clearing double keyed an 8-run 2nd inning as the Angels took an 8-1 lead. RickeyN pitched the last two innings for the win, after AustinH pitched solidly for the first four. RickyN pitched out of a bases-loaded, one out jam in the fifth
with defensive help from KyleB, JohnW and ScottC. For the Orioles, who came back from an 8-1 deficit to tie the game in the third, LawrenceD led the attack with four hits, including a double through the centerfield fence. SeanB pitched three fine
innings, allowing but one run and added two hits. WillyE, 2 for 5 and on base four times, pitched a 1-2-3 sixth, his first appearance since April 14.