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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Athletics 5 at Brewers 4
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Scheduled 6/1/2002 9:30a Athletics
Location Chabot Brewers
Game Type Normal
Game Summary DanielR drove in EliF with the winning run in the top of the fourth. EliF put himself in scoring position with a heads up delayed steal of 2nd. The A's scored 3 in the first and 1 more in the 2nd, but the Brewers answered with 4 in the bottom of the 3rd to tie it up. LewisK and JoshF each had two RBIs. SethB went 2/3 and scored once. BryceH went the distance for the A's, retiring 9 of the last 11 batters after the Brewers tied it up in the 3rd. DanielR (cf), JoshF (ss), and CharlieS (3b) contributed key defensive plays.