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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Rangers 2 at Orioles 1
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Scheduled 5/26/2002 12:30p Rangers
Location Chabot Orioles
Game Type Normal
Game Summary WesG's 2 RBI triple in the top of the first proved to be the game-winning hit in this classic pitchers duel. MichaelM gave up only 1 unearned run for the complete game victory, striking out 7 and making 5 plays in the field. MattL got the only other Ranger hit. AlexR and MichaelM each worked 2 walks. For the Orioles, their ace, BryceC, once again pitched wonderfully, striking out 8 in 5 innings, while allowing only 2 hits. SeanB tossed a scoreless 6th with 3 K's. The Oriole defense was stalwart, committing no errors.