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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Royals 9 at Brewers 6
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/25/2002 3:30p Royals
Location OAB-2 Brewers
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Royals staged a 4 run comeback in the 6th inning to derail the Brewers, as SamS went the distance, keeping the Brewer sluggers guessing and scratching their heads throughout the afternoon. KyleJ delivered the big blow, a bases loaded double that gave the Royals the lead in this see saw affair. TommyO chipped in two doubles, and MikeK added a pair of base hits to help the Royal cause. SpencerW drove in 3 runs to keep the Brewers close.