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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Angels 2 at Yankees 23
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Scheduled 5/25/2002 9:30a Angels
Location Chabot Yankees
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Playing early on Saturday morning after a tough loss on Friday evening - the Yankees came out with fire and determination, scoring 5 runs in the first, and riding the excellent pitching of ThomasM for a victory over the tough Angels. StevenK's first pitch double into the left field corner opened the game for the Yanks, and set the tone for the entire game. JamesS, AlanB and YogiV each scored 3 runs for the Yanks, while CodyP and ThomasM scored 4. ThomasM struck out 8 Angels over his 4 innings pitched, yielding only 1 hit. CodyP struck out the side in the 5th, and YogiV made his Yankee pitching debut by closing the game in the 6th. The ball never took a friendly hop for the Angels all day. Despite that fact, the Angels received gutsy performances from KyleB and KellochI, 2 hits and a rbi from ScottC, and an rbi double from RickyN.