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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Athletics 8 at Red Sox 0
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/12/2002 3:30p Athletics
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Red Sox
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The A's scored two runs in the 1st on steals of home by CharlieS and EliF. LewisK, SpyqS, NoahN, MattB and SethB banged out five consecutive two out hits as the A's added three more runs in the 3rd. BryceH's one out double to right center drove in EliF, and one out later DougC's double drove in Bryce as the A's lead grew to 7-0 in the 4th. SethB scored the A's final run in the 5th on a double by EliF. SethB, EliF, JoshF and CharlieS combined to shut out the Red Sox, giving up only 2 hits and 3 BBs while striking out 8. BryceH's diving catch in short centerfield highlightd the defense. LewisK and JoshF turned in nice plays in the infield, and DougC added a good catch on a towering fly ball in the 6th.