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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Indians 7 at White Sox 10
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Scheduled 5/11/2002 3:30p Indians
Location OAB-2 White Sox
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Oakland Army Base was the location of a wild game last year between the Indians and White Sox, and this year's version didn't disappoint. The Indians put the first runs on the board, and the White Sox responded with key hits and walks by MatthewD (2--2), PatrickM (2-2), TommyG, and LukeN to take a 6-4 lead after three innings. The White Sox defense came up big today: catcher PatrickM threw a runner out at second to quell a rally, TommyG caught two tough flies in left, JoelG shoestringed another fly, and center fielders SamD and GabeG made several acrobatic stops. NedL relieved and pitched three excellent innings, aided by third baseman's BarryK's swooping out of the dust a shot destined for left the dust to nail the runner at first. Shortstop MichaelC ended the game by going deep to the hole at short on a high hopper and flipping to BarryK for the last out in a 10-7 White Sox victory. Demonstrating his switching hitting skill, KevinC blasted three hits and JoshC chipped in a single and a double for the spirited Indians.