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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Brewers 9 at Indians 7
(Extra Innings) Team Pages
Scheduled 5/5/2002 3:30p Brewers
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Indians
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Brewers 9, Indians 7, 7 innings
A near classic game unfolded in the fading light of Holy Names field, as the Indians and Brewers, both fighting for position in the standings of NOLL-SOLL, fought tooth and nail before the Brewers prevailed in 7 innings. TrevorD, taking the mound in relief of BenC, pitched well, and hit better, going 2 for 3, including a triple, and scoring 3 times. DannyP managed to score twice, while defensive artistry by TommyH, backing up an errant throw at 3rd, saved the game and went on the Brewer season highlight reel. For the Indians, KevinC pitched a gem, with offensive support from JoshC, SeanB and AdamB, and some snappy defensive play from shortstop AndrewF.