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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Athletics 11 at Rangers 10
(Extra Innings) Team Pages
Scheduled 5/5/2002 12:30p Athletics
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Rangers
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Down 10-3 going into the top of the 6th, the A's rallied to tie it up, capped by MaxB's two out, three run homer far over the left field fence at Holy Names. EliF, LewisK, SpyqS and SethB had multi-hit games. CharlieS pitched four strong innings, overcoming some defensive lapses and hard hit Ranger balls which scored 6 in the 2nd inning. The A's bullpen gave up 4 more in the 5th and the Ranger's were threatening in the 6th with two on and nobody out when BryceH came in to pitch for the 1st time in over a month, pitching two scoreless innings to shut down the Rangers as the A's won 11-10 in 7 innings.The defensive highlight was a BryceH to EliF to SethB relay which gunned down a Ranger runner at the plate in the 5th.