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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Red Sox 0 at White Sox 8
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Scheduled 5/4/2002 9:30a Red Sox
Location Chabot White Sox
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The White Sox jumped off to a quick 5-0 lead in the first inning against the Red Sox with consecutive belts by GabeF, JordanR, BarryK,
and TommyG. Aided by MatthewD's hustling shortstop play and PatrickM's classy work behind the plate,including nailing a Red Sox
runner at second in the first inning, MichaelC pitched four superb no hit innings. GabeG and MatthewD joined the hit column as the White Sox added three more runs to build the lead to 8-0, and SamD pitched a scoreless fifth and sixth inning to preserve the 8-0 victory. SophieC pitched three excellent innings in relief for the Red Sox and ConorH made two fine catches in right field.