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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Orioles 9 at Angels 13
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/27/2002 3:30p Orioles
Location OAB-2 Angels
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Saturday's Orioles-Angels game at OAB saw the Angels take leads of 8-0 and 12-3, but the Orioles battled back to bring the tying run to the plate before falling to the Halos by a score of 13-9. AustinH pitched four efficient innings for the Angels, and MichaelB led the Angels' attack with four runs while KyleB added three. For the Orioles, GaryO played solid shortstop and pitched well in relief. ReillyK and MacM added two hits apiece for the Orioles.