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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Brewers 4 at Giants 1
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Scheduled 4/27/2002 9:30a Brewers
Location Chabot Giants
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Brewers handed the Giants their 3rd straight loss in a rematch of last season's championship game. Brewer hurler SpencerW struck out 8 Giants, and scattered 4 hits, walking just 1 while gaining his 3rd win of the season. TrevorD's 2 RBI double, and EvanH's RBI single, staked the Brewers to an early lead that was enough for the victory. TommyH chipped in a hit, while playing head's up defense all morning. RyanW allowed just 3 hits in his debut as a starting pitcher for the Giants. DanielK and JoeyC kept the Giants hopes alive with their bats.