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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Athletics 16 at Tigers 12
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Scheduled 4/24/2002 5:00p Athletics
Location Chabot Tigers
Game Type Normal
Game Summary A bases loaded double by DanielR, following an intentional walk to EliF, sparked the A's to an 11 run 5th inning as the A's overcame a 7-0 lead to win 16-12. JoshF's double over the left fielder's head capped the scoring in the 5th. NoahN and SpyqS had key hits in a 5 run 6th inning, runs that were needed as the Tiger's rallied for 2 in 5th and 3 more in the 6th in a game effort to overcome the 5th inning erruption by the A's. StuartJ pitched 4 shut-out innings to help the Tigers build an early 7-0 lead