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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Brewers 3 at Royals 5
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Scheduled 4/14/2002 9:30a Brewers
Location Chabot Royals
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Brewers and Royals played a tough, hard fought game on Sunday morning with the Royals coming out victorious 5-3. MichaelK (3-0) once again led the way for the Royals with his gutsy pitching and timely hitting. MichaelK pitched a complete game 3 hitter, striking out 8, including the last batter of the game with the bases loaded. TommyO and ChrisK also led the way with 2 RBI's each. The Brewers jumped out to a 3-0 lead, with LiamD and KaniC leading the way. The Brewer defense had an answer to each Royal at bat, especially the play of TrevorD at second base. Finally in the 4th inning, the Royals attack found some open spaces in the tight Brewer defense stringing together 5 hits and 3 runs. In the 5th inning a couple of walks opened the winning scoring attack. TommyO blooped a hit off the hard charging centerfielder's glove, scoring 2 runs. The Royal's trademark of staunch defense, hard throwing pitching and timely hitting contributed to moving their record to 5-2. MichaelK pitched his way out of trouble to close out the Brewers in the 6th inning, getting a strikeout with the bases loaded, for the final out, with the Brewers' big bats coming to the plate. Multiple baserunners for both teams were nailed at 3rd base and the plate as both squads were scrambling for an important victory.