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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Indians 12 at Orioles 6
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/13/2002 3:30p Indians
Location OAB-2 Orioles
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Orioles jumped out in front 5-4 after an eventful first inning full of base hits. Led by BryceC (two doubles) the Orioles held the lead until the third when the Indians, behind a TonyT homer, regained the lead, with his second home run of the season. AndrewF started as pitcher and did a great job. Later in the game JoshuaC hit his first home run with a shot over the center field fence and KevinC came in as the Indians closing pitcher to secure the Indians win . Oriole SeanB did well in relief of BryceC, who was victimized early by some shaky defense. ElliotP was 2-3 for the O's.