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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Brewers 9 at Angels 7
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Scheduled 4/7/2002 3:30p Brewers
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Angels
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Brewers raced out to a 4-0 lead before the Angels could even reach for their bats, with clutch hitting by TommyH, MasonM and EvanH. Brewer shortstop KaniC then went to work, and gobbled up everything he good get to, to keep the Angels off the bases in the early going. His counterpart on the Angels, KyleB, nearly matched the effort, making several improbable stops to keep his mates in striking distance. And strike they did! A 6 run 4th inning wiped out the Brewer advantage, albeit breifly. The Brewers steadied themselves and retook the lead in the next inning, and held on for the 9-7 victory. KyleB added 2 hits to his defensive work in support of AustinH who went 4+ innings. LiamD stroked 2 doubles and got the win for the Brew-Crew.