NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Royals 13 at Red Sox 7
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/7/2002 12:30p Royals
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Red Sox
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Royals held off a strong Red Sox attack on Sunday claiming a 13-7 victory. The Royals jumped off to a early 3-0 lead only to see the Red Sox take the lead 4-3 in the bottom of the first. Starting pitcher MichaelK(2-0) settled down and pitched 2 scoreless innings for the win. JeremyB relieved for 2 shutout inning, including 4 strikeouts. Great defense in the field by TynanD and KyleJ held the Red Sox at bay. The Royals were led in hitting by TyreM, MichealK with 3 hits each. ZanderY, TommyO and JeremyB added 2 hits apiece. The Red Sox hitting was led by EricJ who doubled in 2 runs to bring the Red Sox close.