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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Athletics 7 at Orioles 3
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Scheduled 4/7/2002 9:30a Athletics
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Orioles
Game Type Normal
Game Summary BryceC's two run homer in the bottom of the first tied the game at two apiece. The A's struck back with 3 more in the top of the 2nd, and scored single runs in the 4th and 5th innings to beat the Orioles 7-3. LewisK
pitched the 1st 4 innings, allowing 6 hits, 2 BB and 3 runs. CharlieS shut out the Orioles over the final two innings, striking out 4 while walking only 1. SpyqS's 3 rbi's led the offense. EliF(2/4 1run, 2 rbi), DanielR(2/4 1 run, 1 rbi) and SethB(2/4 2
runs) also added to the offense. DanielR to EliF to SethB on a 8-6-2 put out at the plate stifled the Orioles attemped
comeback. JoshF's play at 2nd and SethB's play behind the plate led the defense.