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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Red Sox 3 at Athletics 10
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Scheduled 3/24/2002 3:30p Red Sox
Location Chabot Athletics
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Top of the 1st, nobody out, three runs in and a runner on second -- it looked like the Red Sox were going to roll over the A's. However, EliF, JoshF, and CharlieS combined to retire 18 of the next 20 batters, recording 13 K's while giving up just 1 hit and 1 BB. The A's scored 7 in the second and 3 more in the 5th as they overcome the 3-0 deficit to win 10-3. CharileS (2/3 2 runs), DanielR (1/2 rbi) and SethB (1/3 1 run 3 rbi sac fly) paced the offense.