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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Orioles 0 at Tigers 1
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Scheduled 3/24/2002 3:30p Orioles
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Tigers
Game Type Normal
Game Summary In a white-knuckler that went down to the last batter, the Tigers held on and beat the Orioles 1-0 at Holy Names Sunday. StuartJ of the Tigers took a perfect game into the sixth when Oriole leadoff hitter NolanH lined a single up the middle. After a two-out walk put the go-ahead run on base StuartJ finished his shutout with a flourish, striking out the last Oriole after a close call, when a potential game-tying liner down the rightfield line was called foul. The only run of the day was scored by KevinO who walked in the fourth inning and scored on successive wild pitches.