NOLL/SOLL  >   2010 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Pelicans 16 at Angels 3
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/17/2010 6:30p Pelicans
Location Willard MS Angels
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Elliott Lieberman, Mentor
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Angels Notes:
No notes

Pelicans Notes:
Remarkably warm weather and, with special thanks to the field crew, a beautiful evening for baseball under the lights at Willard!

After washing out of both games last weekend and facing an Angels team with a game under their collective belt, it would have been understandable if the Pels were rusty or nervous. No such worries - the Pels showed up with the attitude that somebody owed them a week's worth of hits.

In the top of the first, Tigger and the Sarge set the table and Malibu knocked home two runs with a clean single up the middle. It was the first leg of Malibu's huge 4 for 4, 7RBI day.

Kirby took the mound with that 2-run lead, and was prepared to make it stick. He faced just 10 batters thru 3 innings, inducing 6 grounders and 3 Ks over that span.

In the 4th, the Kendall and Perfesser led a 4 run rally, extending their lead to 9-0. The big hit was a 2-RBI triple to the gap from Kirby. In the bottom of the 4th, the Halos finally found their footing at the plate and put runners at 2nd and 3rd but Kirby K'd his way out of the jam.

The Angels broke thru for their first run in the 5th on a clutch single by NoahS, but the Pels remained nonplussed and plated 7 more runs over the final 2 innings while Pungo and Cornflake limited the Halos to 2 runs over the same span.

Best of luck to both teams on Sunday, and a quick shoutout to Krusty: travel safe and get home soon.