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NOLL/SOLL  >   2010 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result DBacks 11 at Pelicans 10
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/1/2010 12:00p DBacks
Location Front Caldecott Pelicans
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: David Kenton
Base Ump 1: Dennis Eagan
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
After all the early rain, the Pels and DBacks called in a few favors to ensure sunblock weather for their Saturday tilt.

Kirby threw an efficient 3 innings, limiting the DBacks to one run thanks to a 9-6-2 relay from Bruiser thru Tigger to Sarge. It was a prophetic play, as the Pels cut down 3 Snakes between third and home over the course of the game.

Kirby, Squito and Bass led mid-inning rallies with extra base hits to the gaps, and Sarge crowned the 4th with a 2 run single.

The Pels were pleased to have Josh back in North America, altho he did put the Rusty in Krusty. SABR researchers report that Krusty set a Juniors record, plunking 3 batters on 4 pitches! All kidding aside, he did a great job, fighting thru his own wildness and 4 errors by his defense to keep the DBacks within reach thru the 5th.

The Pels offense took over in the 6th, plating 4 runs; the big hit a 2 run single by Malibu.

After 6 innings of back and forth, this game would pivot (as so many do) on the final inning. Trailing by 3 with 2 outs and just a lone runner on base, the DBacks rallied for 4 runs. NateM's bases loaded shot was the dagger. The Pels came up in the bottom with a chance to answer, but NateM set them down in order to preserve the win.

DBacks Notes:
OAKLAND, Ca. -- The what seems to be weekly storm system had passed and left behind gorgeous weather for a Saturday showdown between the Gold Division leading Pelicans and 2nd place Diamondbacks. In a highly anticipated showdown, the teams did not disappoint as it was a nail biter to the very end.

The hosting Pelicans sent rookie phenom Alex C. to the mound and he showed he was ready striking out 2 of 4 DBack batters in the top of the 1st. Countering on the hill for the DBacks was Rerun, who retired the top of the Pelicans order in the bottom of the 1st. Rerun pitched 3 innings giving up 4 runs (0 earned).

The scoring got underway in the 2nd inning. Wizard led off the inning for the DBacks with a double to deep left field. He later scored when a fly ball off the bat of Gazelle fell in. The Pelicans prevented further damage throwing Gazelle out at the plate following a single by Curvy. The Pelicans answered with 4 runs in their half of the 2nd inning, their rally sparked by a double by Kendall N.

Pitching dominance returned in the 3rd inning. Alex C. again sent the top of the DBack order down with nothing more than a whimper. The Pelicans threatened in the bottom of the 3rd when the first two batters (Kyle J & Luke C) got hits. The rally was thwarted by a staunch DBack defense. First, Bump threw out a would be base stealer at second base. Then a heads up play by Rerun on a come-backer, caught a Pelican runner off 3rd base. The score remained 4-1, advantage Pelicans.

Wizard again flashed the magic stick in the top of the 4th, leading off with his 2nd double of the game. Executing their unselfish style of baseball, Bump advanced Wizard to 3rd with a sacrifice bunt and later scored on a single by T-dub. T-dub (a runner inflicted with Comcast’s turbo) later score on a RBI ground-out by Curvy. Gazelle and Rerun would also score in the inning, giving the DBacks a 5-4 lead.

The hard throwing Bump came in to relieve Rerun in the bottom of the 4th. He would strike out the side, but not before 2 Pelican runs scored on a clutch single by Malibu. The Pelicans reclaimed their lead 6-5.

After retiring the first batter of the inning, the Pelicans plunked the next three DBack hitters to load the bases. Then came an epic 10-pitch battle between Krusty (Pelicans relief pitcher) and Rerun that ended with Rerun lofting a deep fly ball to left that scored a tagging up T-dub. The score was then 6-6 and remained that way until the 6th inning as Bump retired the Pelicans in order in the bottom of the 5th.

The DBacks plated leadoff hitter Sometimes (reached based on a single, his third hit of the game) in the top of the 6th for a 7-6 DBack lead. The rally could have been bigger, but an alert Pelican 3rd basemen gunned out a would-be DBack run at the plate. The bottom of the 6th saw the Pelicans score 4 runs off singles by Malibu, Kyle J, and Krusty.

Trailing 10-7 with two outs, the DBacks put on their rally caps and got settled in for a wild ride. Old Spice delivered a 2-RBI single after T-Dub, Sometimes, and Curvy loaded up the bases. Two more runs scored on a smash ground ball by Bump. The DBacks gained an 11-10 advantage going to the bottom of the 7th where Bump again retired the side in order preserving a DBack win over the rival Pelicans, extending their winning streak to 3 games and bringing their record to 5-2.

Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H E
DBacks 0 1 0 4 1 1 4 11 9 6
Pels 0 4 0 2 0 4 0 10 8 6