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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2009-10 Boys 5th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Cougars (Baca-Brown) 11 at Golden Grizzlies (Ravetti-Gold) 22
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/10/2010 2:00p Cougars (Baca-Brown)
Location Encinal HS Gym Golden Grizzlies (Ravetti-Gold)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Grizzlies defeated the Cougars 22-11. Points were scored by Brandon Reed (10), Jason Ravetti (8), and Ryan Ashbaker (4), with four assists from Jason Gee. Turn-overs came from rebounds by Reed (12), Ashbaker (11), Ravetti (8) and Callum McClaren (1); and steals by Reed (4), Gee (4) and Ravetti (3).
Team Summaries Golden Grizzlies (Ravetti-Gold) Notes:
The Grizzlies defeated the Cougars 22-11. Points were scored by Brandon Reed (10), Jason Ravetti (8), and Ryan Ashbaker (4), with four assists from Jason Gee. Turn-overs came from rebounds by Reed (12), Ashbaker (11), Ravetti (8) and Callum McClaren (1); and steals by Reed (4), Gee (4) and Ravetti (3).

Cougars (Baca-Brown) Notes:
No notes

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