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North Texas Interlock  >   2009 Spring NTI 15-18 Open  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Colleyville Rangers 6 at Southlake Dragons - Meacham 4
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/2/2009 8:00p Colleyville Rangers
Location Keller 4 Southlake Dragons - Meacham
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Southlake Dragons - Meacham Notes:
No notes

Colleyville Rangers Notes:
This was a pitcher's duel. Hampton Bradford from Southlake pitch an incredible game with great velocity and some great control. (I do not believe that this kid is not on a Southlake JV team?) Colleyville started with 3 runs in the 1st inning and then Bradford begin to shut the doors on the Colleyville bats, until the 6th inning in which there were 3 more runs scored. This game was close all night and it come down to the last inning with Southlake having the tieing runs in scoring postion with the top of the order at bat. Good job by Kyle Gendron on the mound who stop the Southlake bats.