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North Texas Interlock  >   2009 Spring NTI 15-18 Open  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Keller - Gold 1 at Colleyville Rangers 2
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/19/2009 1:00p Keller - Gold
Location Grapevine HS Colleyville Rangers
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Colleyville Rangers Notes:
Two great pitchers who battled to the end for this game (Kyle Gendron for Colleyville and Ethan for Keller). Both pitchers had a great outing with defense support. Kyle had 15 strikeouts, 7 walks, 1 hit and 1 run; Ethan had 9 strikeouts, 0 walks, 1 hit and 2 runs. Both of the pitchers had only 90 pitches thrown during the game; an unbelievable game by both pitchers and teams.

Keller - Gold Notes:
No notes