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NOLL/SOLL  >   2009 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Mets 10 at Pelicans 4
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/19/2009 2:00p Mets
Location Front Caldecott Pelicans
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Eric Hughes
Base Ump 1: Matt Cornell
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
On a hot summer afternoon, the Pels meet the Mets hoping to establish a new offensive mindset without disrupting their excellent defense.

Tigger goosed the park in the bottom of the first with a searing double to the RF gap, and altho he was eventually stranded at third, it looked good for the home nine's hopes for power. Another shot by Weed to open the 2nd, but again no luck plating the run.

The Pels broke thru when Malibu got plunked; Weed ran and scored on Krusty's single.

QuickCrete made sure that the Pels never lost sight of the Metropolitans, giving up just 2 hits 4 innings, and no production from the heart of the Mets' lineup. The 13 yr old left after 4 complete on 64 pitches in the heat of the sun. He handed the ball to Chicken, who had a 1-2-3 5th.

Down 4-1 in the top of the 6th, Chicken gave up 2 runs with the ball never leaving the infield. An E4, a gentle pop to the back of the mound and some stolen bases put the Mets in position to run a safety squeeze, and a sacrifice groundout scored another.

The Pels responded immediately with consecutive singles by Pockets, PK and Christmas.

Altho the top of the 6th got away from Pelicans pitchers (4 walks and a single to RF), the Pels batters continued to build steam. Krusty threw a double to RF and Pockets plated 2 with a shot to the left side. Mets' SS MattG closed the game out with a nifty running catch of a flar to shallow left.

All in all, the Pels 0-2 weekend showed a lot of promise, and we're looking forward to next week's tilts with the Woodward teams.

Mets Notes:
No notes