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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2008-09 Boys 4th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Alameda Magic (Vu - NC Blue) 18 at Blazers (Pearson - Black) 27
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/17/2009 1:30p Alameda Magic (Vu - NC Blue)
Location Wood MS Gym Blazers (Pearson - Black)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Hi Blazer Fans! The Blazer had another defensive victory this week against the Alameda Magic. The Magic scored two quick baskets to open the game. The Blazers applied tough team defense led by Sam Rawski who had 3 steals. The blazers then went on a scoring frenzy led by high flying Naseem Gaskin. Gaskins had 17 points and 6 boards. Isaiah Thomas led the Blazers in rebound with 9 off the beach. The Blazers are showing with great defense. It is going to be tough to beat the blazers.
Team Summaries Blazers (Pearson - Black) Notes:
Hi Blazer Fans! The Blazer had another defensive victory this week against the Alameda Magic. The Magic scored two quick baskets to open the game. The Blazers applied tough team defense led by Sam Rawski who had 3 steals. The blazers then went on a scoring frenzy led by high flying Naseem Gaskin. Gaskins had 17 points and 6 boards. Isaiah Thomas led the Blazers in rebound with 9 off the beach. The Blazers are showing with great defense. It is going to be tough to beat the blazers.

Go Blazers

Alameda Magic (Vu - NC Blue) Notes:
No notes

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