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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2008-09 Girls 3rd&4th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Lightning Hornets (Wu - Gold) 28 at Fire Balls (Rickard - Red) 35
Team Pages
Scheduled 2/14/2009 3:20p Lightning Hornets (Wu - Gold)
Location Academy of Alameda(Chipman)Gym Fire Balls (Rickard - Red)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Color Me Mine of Alameda Fire Balls 35
Roberson Water Consulting Lightning Hornets 28

Good defense, passing, and shooting lifted the Fire Balls in a high-scoring game. Jessica Collins, Azjayla Lewis, Clare Rickard, Isabella Sheel, and Christine Lee all played the entire game.

Clare Rickard swished her free-throw and Christine Lee had 21 points.

The Hornets played a hard fought game against the Fireballs mighty five! The team played well passing, shooting and getting rebounds. Ashley Whitaker let the team with 10 points. Christina Pirrotta and Sophia Comer each had 6 points. Rachel Wellman played a great all-around game with 7 rebounds. Maggie Wu got her first basket of the season.

Team Summaries Fire Balls (Rickard - Red) Notes:
Color Me Mine of Alameda Fire Balls 35
Roberson Water Consulting Lightning Hornets 28

Good defense, passing, and shooting lifted the Fire Balls in a high-scoring game. Jessica Collins, Azjayla Lewis, Clare Rickard, Isabella Sheel, and Christine Lee all played the entire game.

Clare Rickard swished her free-throw and Christine Lee had 21 points.

Lightning Hornets (Wu - Gold) Notes:
The Hornets played a hard fought game against the Fireballs mighty five! The team played well passing, shooting and getting rebounds. Ashley Whitaker let the team with 10 points. Christina Pirrotta and Sophia Comer each had 6 points. Rachel Wellman played a great all-around game with 7 rebounds. Maggie Wu got her first basket of the season.

Stats not set up yet.