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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2008-09 Girls 3rd&4th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Silver Bullets (Marmor - Raider Gray) 14 at Icebreakers (Vick - Black) 21
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/10/2009 10:40a Silver Bullets (Marmor - Raider Gray)
Location Academy of Alameda(Chipman)Gym Icebreakers (Vick - Black)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Both teams went in undefeated and only one remains. 'Circuit's' IceBreakers were victorious over the 'East Ocean Chinese Restaurant' with a score of 21 to 14. Defensively Olivia Reising, Hadley Klein and Emily Matcham helped to bring our team to win. Special thanks to 'Circuits' of Alameda.
Team Summaries Icebreakers (Vick - Black) Notes:
Both teams went in undefeated and only one remains. 'Circuit's' IceBreakers were victorious over the 'East Ocean Chinese Restaurant' with a score of 21 to 14. Defensively Olivia Reising, Hadley Klein and Emily Matcham helped to bring our team to win. Special thanks to 'Circuits' of Alameda.

Silver Bullets (Marmor - Raider Gray) Notes:
No notes

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