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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2008-09 Boys 7th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Ballers (Lozada - Red) 36 at Alameda Ambush (Cunningham - Green) 37
Team Pages
Scheduled 2/15/2009 10:30a Ballers (Lozada - Red)
Location Alameda HS, New Gym Alameda Ambush (Cunningham - Green)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Alameda Ambush 37 - Ballers 36

Once again it was a hard fought overtime game decided by a single point, as the Alameda Ambush survived a cardiac arresting run down the stretch by the Ballers. For all four quarters and into overtime it was an evenly matched struggle with neither team leading by more than four. Greg Hui was a defensive standout for the Ambush and scored six points. Andrew Rusca added to the stiff defense and added four points. Max Lozada had his shot going for the Ballers, scoring 10 points from mid-range. Joe Riley got open under the basket in the final seconds of regulation to complete a Baller comeback and send the game to overtime.

In the two minute overtime the teams traded baskets before a single made foul shot by small forward Rowland Markheim proved the margin of victory for the hot Alameda Ambush, who have now won four games in a row.
Team Summaries Alameda Ambush (Cunningham - Green) Notes:
Alameda Ambush 37 - Ballers 36

Once again it was a hard fought overtime game decided by a single point, as the Alameda Ambush survived a cardiac arresting run down the stretch by the Ballers. For all four quarters and into overtime it was an evenly matched struggle with neither team leading by more than four. Greg Hui was a defensive standout for the Ambush and scored six points. Andrew Rusca added to the stiff defense and added four points. Max Lozada had his shot going for the Ballers, scoring 10 points from mid-range. Joe Riley got open under the basket in the final seconds of regulation to complete a Baller comeback and send the game to overtime.

In the two minute overtime the teams traded baskets before a single made foul shot by small forward Rowland Markheim proved the margin of victory for the hot Alameda Ambush, who have now won four games in a row.

Ballers (Lozada - Red) Notes:
No notes

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