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West Diablo CYO  >   2008-09 6th Grade American Girls  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result 6AG SP 15 at CTK 20
Team Pages
Scheduled 2/21/2009 12:15a 6AG SP
Location Christ the King Gym - CTK CTK
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries CTK Notes:
CTK raced out to a 15-0 halftime lead behind Taylor's strong first half of 7 points and Taryns long range shooting. Elysse, Jessica, Claire and Cassidy controlled the inside, while Olivia and Katrina were defending the outside shot and running the break. St.P's put on a spirited second half comeback with an aggressive press but came up short.

6AG SP Notes:
No notes