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West Diablo CYO  >   2008-09 6th Grade American Girls  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result 6AG SP 22 at CTK 24
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/31/2009 8:00a 6AG SP
Location Tice Valley 2 - TV2 CTK
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries CTK Notes:
Great ball game had the Lady Crusaders hold off St P's, 24-22. CTK was led by Taryn with 8 points (including two long 2-pters),Taylor with 6 points and Olivia with 4 pts including a game winner with under two minutes to go.. Also contributing was Katrina, Claire and Cassidy with 2 points each. Elysee led CTK with 10 rebounds.

6AG SP Notes:
No notes