Walax.com  >   2008 Men's PNLA 'B' League  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Buckleys 4 at Huron 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/2/2008 1:30p Buckleys
Location Fort Dent Playfields Huron
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Huron Notes:
No notes

Buckleys Notes:
Buckley's came out strong in the inaugural game for our new team. Huron came out gunning, scoring two quickly and winning the early face-offs. Our middies got them figured out though, and we took charge of the face-offs for the final three quarters. Kudos to Cheese and Adrien!

Syd led the festivities with an even hat trick, and Garrett tacked on number 4. It was all even at the start of the fourth quarter, as the defense held a powerful Huron assault to 4 goals through the first 3 quarters before they broke through.

The final was 9 to 4, but the game was a lot closer than the score indicates, as Buckley's was forced to press as time ran down and the Huron attack took advantage of the aggressive play of our D to spread the field and put home a couple of insurance goals.

Thanks to Huron for hosting a great drink-up at Starfire's restaurant. We'll see you guys again in a couple of months!