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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Islanders 19 at Devil Rays 4
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/19/2008 5:00p Islanders
Location Back Caldecott Devil Rays
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Calvin Wright
Base Ump 1: Daniel Dal Pino
Game Summary In a brutally windy and cold game Saturday, the Islanders defeated the Devil Rays 19-4 in a contest that showcased starting Islander pitcher Scott O. In the first inning, Olofson struck out the first three Devil Ray batters. In the second inning, O delivered three up and three down with the Islander infield getting down to business. O was followed on the mound by Islander Alex B, who also delivered strong pitching. Islander Jack D set the pace for the Islander hitting with an impressive double in the first inning.