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NOLL/SOLL  >   2007 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Astros 5 at Pelicans 4
Team Pages
Scheduled 6/2/2007 6:00p Astros
Location Willard MS Pelicans
ReScheduled 6/1/2007 6:00p
ReSched Location Willard MS
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Keith Humphrey
Base Ump 1: daniel williams
Game Summary Wayne Pickrell originally scheduled for 6/2/07, game moved to 6/1 as both teams decimated by Piedmont MS boat dance.
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
The Pels were looking for some revenge against CharlieW who nohit them last time these teams met, and the Astros were looking to ride their ace and lay their claim to 1st place in the competitive SOLL division.

Both starting pitchers came as advertised, with neither team sending more than 6 men to the plate in any inning. The Pels took an early lead on a couple singles in the first, but the Astros tied it up in the second when BobbyS manufactured a run (HBP, SB, SB-E5) by himself.

The Astros took their first lead at 2-1 in the third (again, the run scores sans-hit), but the Pels quickly tie it in the bottom of the inning on a Baltimore chop infield single by Rocky and a few pitches later retake the lead 3-2 on a double steal of 2nd (Rocky) and home (Bar Mitzvah).

The teams traded lone runs in the 4th before the Astros staged a 2-out rally and plate 2 in the 5th, the first scoring on a scorched single by MacF.

With 2.5 innings to go, a 1-run lead didn't seem safe to anyone on either sideline, but apparently the pitchers didn't get the memo. From the bottom of the 5th on, CharlieW and Molasses (the starters) and JohnT and Silk (the relievers) combined to allow just 1 runner to reach third, and neither team could score a run the rest of the way.

In the 6th, Chester tumbled thru a full somersault to turn a routine 4-3 out into a gem of a play - but he did get his man. Mumbles contributed a phenomenal defensive play in the 7th, with a diving catch of a pop up in front of the plate to keep the Astros off the board.

Congrats to the Astros for hanging on, and good luck to both teams as they close out their seasons over the next week.

Astros Notes:
No notes