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NOLL/SOLL  >   2007 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Yankees 15 at Orioles 11
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Scheduled 3/25/2007 3:30p Yankees
Location OAB-2 Orioles
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Myles Lampenfeld
Base Ump 1: Dan Pitcock
Game Summary Austin H V pitched two shutout innings in his first Majors start, and went 2 for 4. Zach S got the save, finally shutting down the resurgent Orioles in the sixth, and also went 4-for-5 at the plate. Pitchers Dillon R and Luke C kept the Yankees to three runs in nearly four innings, Robby E singled and started the scoring for the Orioles, David E scored from second on a hustle play and Travis N knocked two home.