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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2006-07 Boys 8th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Speed (Deierling) 43 at Black Knights (Hidalgo) 35
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/3/2006 9:30a Speed (Deierling)
Location Alameda HS, Old Gym Black Knights (Hidalgo)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Speed blazed out to a fast first quarter behind the scoring of Matt Kerr and Dom Lippi. The second quarter was essentially a draw as the Black Knights hammered the ball inside. Brandon Woo and Matt Kerr broke open a 10-point lead in the third quarter behind Kerr's (game MVP) blazing 3-for- 3 3-point shooting. Tyler Cobb and J.T. Deierling played strong on both sides of the court to seal the team's first win.

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