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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2006-07 Boys 6th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Platt's Rats (Lewis) 28 at Hot Shots (Robinson) 27
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/17/2006 4:00p Platt's Rats (Lewis)
Location Encinal HS Gym Hot Shots (Robinson)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary A two-pointer by Fred Smith in the final moments put the Platt's Rats ahead by one to win this nailbiter of a game. Ryan Lam and Matt Neff displayed tenacious defense against a barrage of fast breaks. Jesse Lewis led both the offense and defense with 12 points and 17 rebounds, followed by Erik VanWinkle's strong effort of 10 and 10.

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