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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2006-07 Boys 6th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Corndogs (Tolbert/Kamphuis) 28 at Raiders (Voisenat) 43
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/3/2006 4:00p Corndogs (Tolbert/Kamphuis)
Location Alameda HS, New Gym Raiders (Voisenat)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Raiders had a balanced scoring attack with Marc Voisenat and Sam Kunz scoring 11 points apiece. Chris Bussey orchestrated the offense and scored nine points including a three-point play. Connor Szeto played a great game off the bench, scoring six points. David Walter played good aggressive defense and also scored.

The game was well played by both teams and remained close for the first three quarters. In the fourth quarter, the Raiders were able to pull away with good rebounding and defense.

Stats not set up yet.