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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2006-07 Boys 6th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Leapin Leprechauns (Deierling) 8 at Platt's Rats (Lewis) 29
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/3/2006 2:00p Leapin Leprechauns (Deierling)
Location Alameda HS, New Gym Platt's Rats (Lewis)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Jesse Lewis led all Rob Platt Real Estate Rats with 10 points. Seven other Rats contributed as well, with Fred Smith and Ryan Lam scoring five and four point respectively. All remaining players had a pair.

The Leprechauns had scoring among five players, with no one scoring no more than two. Most of the leaping was done by brother act, Jim and Joe Ruck, who contributed for a total of 12 rebounds. Kyle Rogers displayed superior hustle throughout the game, leading the 'Green Machine' with three steals.

Overall solid passing and fast-paced play dominated the game on both sides, but shots for the Rats fell far more often than those for the Double L Brand.

For the Rats, Jesse Lewis and Fred Smith combined for 17 of the team's points. Jihoon Ok added two more from the free-throw line. Erik VanWinkle provided solid defense with 12 rebounds and two steals. Robbie Platt and Sam Kuttner aggressively pressed the Leprechaun's offense. Matt Neff, Alex Doyle, and Ryan Lam played strong offense and defense throughout the game.

Stats not set up yet.