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NOLL/SOLL  >   2006 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Astros 4 at Pelicans 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/14/2006 3:00p Astros
Location Willard MS Pelicans
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Elliott Lieberman
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
Feelgood puts the Pels on his back this beautiful Mothers' Day and wills them to their second victory of the season.

The Pels had heard about a 9-foot, 240 lb, firebreathing pitcher on the Astros, and after the first 5 Pels had K'd, they were inclined to believe it. Down a run and with 2 outs in the 2nd, tho, Poptart lined a clean single to center, and Feelgood followed with an RBI single.

With the score tied, Feelgood controlled the game from the mound. In consecutive innings, he posted 11, 8, 10 and 4-pitch innings, relying on great control and great defense... In the 2nd, ET came off of first base to take a wild throw from Bar Mitzvah, and got the out with a headsup sweep tag. In the 3rd, Rocky started a P-9-1-5 DP, and LittleBlue got his own OF assist in the 6th on a 7-1-4. On both plays, Feelgood relayed perfectly for the out. Earlier in the 6th, Mo and Elan erased a leadoff walk with a 2-5 CS.

The score stayed knotted at 1-1 until the Pels plated 2 in the 5th on LittleBlue's double down the left field line. In the 6th, the Pels batted around and scored 6. Mo's 2-out, 2-run double capped the burst.

In the 7th, after 6++, Feelgood finally ran out of steam. With the bases loaded and the Astros threatening, ET came on to nail the final out.

Happy Mother's Day to all,

Astros Notes:
No notes