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NOLL/SOLL  >   2006 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Devil Rays 8 at Islanders 6
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/20/2006 12:00p Devil Rays
Location Back Caldecott Islanders
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Gene Baker
Base Ump 1: Robert Brown
Game Summary The Islanders took the early 6-1 lead paced by Eric S with a triple and solid pitching from Justin M and Jake M. The Devil Ray bats woke up in the fourth, scoring two runs on a leadoff single by Marco I and an RBI single by Henry T. The Devil Rays added four more runs in the fifth to take the lead 7-6 on consecutive hits by Nicholas B, Daniel D, an RBI single by Marco I, a 2 RBI double by William E, and an RBI single by Mo S. With an insurance run added in the top of the sixth, Devil Ray Sebastian K stopped the Islanders with the bases loaded to end the game, striking out 7 batters over three innings.