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NOLL/SOLL  >   2006 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Islanders 7 at Dragons 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/4/2006 12:00p Islanders
Location Back Caldecott Dragons
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Everett Shockley
Base Ump 1: Arafat Al-Ariemy
Game Summary In AAA's first season game, the Dragons beat the Islanders in a hard fought game 9-7. Islanders' Max R. struck out six and only gave up an RBI double to Josh C.. The Islanders went ahead 4-2 on hits by Ryan W. and Jake M.. Then the Dragons offence exploded, racking up six runs on hits by Cullen C., Matthew H., Peter J., Josh C., Ian L., Lincoln H. and David M.. In the fifth, Islanders' Pitcher Jake M. stopped the Dragons facing only four batters. Mounting a comeback In the sixth, the Islanders cut the Dragons’ lead to two. Dragons pitcher Coby S. made the game-ending play to clinch the victory.