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NOLL/SOLL  >   2001 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Toros 7 at Monarchs 5
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/18/2001 1:30p Toros
Location Owen Jones Monarchs
ReScheduled 4/29/2001 10:30a
ReSched Location Owen Jones
Game Type Normal
Game Summary On Sunday, the Toros played a makeup game with Monarchs. The Monarchs surged out to a 5-0 lead after the first five innings. The Toros came back with seven unanswered runs to win 7-5. Strong pitching in the final three innings from Julian McIntosh and timely hitting from Lou Diller of the Toros led to the victory.

JulianM threw 3 brilliant goosegg frames to hand the Monarchs their 1st defeat. MattL tossed 3 shutout innings of his own for the Kansas City squad. MattB crushed a triple and a single and ConorH a triple and a double for the Monarchs.